A limited cost for an unlimited Growth

Boost your LinkedIn Sales Machine with Unlimited LK Senders & Unlimited Campaigns for 97$/mo.

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Trusted by 100+ happy customers

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N-able logofive-star review

For most of the tools you had to import the leads from LinkedIn or Sales Navigator, but we already had our own databases. WaLead's CSV approach worked for us.

Danijela Sprajcer
Danijela Sprajcer
Channel MK Manager,
ADM Clous&Services logofive-star review

Changing from Waalaxy to WaLead boosted our sales machine. It was much easier to explain to our salespeople and the tool feels very user-friendly.

Celia de Pedro
Celia de Pedro
Marketing Manager,
ADM Cloud & Services
Parallels logofive-star review

Logging into each LinkedIn account to answer the messages is no longer a pain for us. And if we also have better analytics and a a fair price... There is no better alternative.

Jacqueline G.
Jacqueline G.
Sales Manager,
Improved Features

No fancy features, just the solutions you need for the fair price.

Auto-rotate through multiple accounts

Use multiple LinkedIn accounts for your campaings instead of just one account. Use our auto-roating system to send hundreds for invites and messages per day.

Import LinkedIn leads, send invites & messages

Personalise 100% the messages as you wish. We will just ask your for a CSV file, use Apollo, Evaboot, Instantly or ChatGPT to get the best out of your campaign.

Unified unibox for all accounts

You don't have to log into your different accounts, or use Chrome tabs or apps like GoLogin. Just connect to one of our proxys and answer all your messages in one inbox.

Agency-tailored reporting

Struggling when reporting analytics to your clients? Forget Canva or Google Sheets, our app will create a reporting for you.

Best Pricing ever

No three plans offer...
Just one perfect plan for you.

Perfect Plan

Unlimited Profiles
Unlimited campaigns
Unlimited profiles
Unibox, Proxy & Analytics included
Up to 25,000 leads
Basic chat and email support
Get started free
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No card required

Optimise your results
with our Campaing Analytics

Image of the analytics available in your Walead account.

All your doubts, answered

How is WaLead different than the other LinkedIn outreach tools?

WaLead is built for scalability, we aim to provide a solutions that helps marketing agencies scale their operations without cutting their margins. That's the reason why we provide an excellent product for a fire price.

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What’s the benefit of multiple LinkedIn senders?

With the recent LinkedIn restrictions you can only send 200 invitations per month, however, if you have the correct tool like WaLead, you can add more profiles and scale your sales system beyond LinkedIn's limits.

Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Can I have an unlimited number of LinkedIn senders, for a fixed price?

Yes, our plan offers unlimited senders with unlimited campaigns for just 99$/month. We know that leading a leadgen agency is hard, that's why we try to make your life easier.

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