The Best Time to Post on LinkedIn to Sell More in 2024

Posting on LinkedIn is really important to create an audience so that you can sell your products and services. However, most of the platforms measure it wrong.

How is that possible?

Well, most of scheduling platforms and content creators, measure the impact of their posts by impressions and likes. Of course, this includes the views of non-buyers.

On the other hand, here in WaLead, we carried a study based on multiple posts published in our platform, with different results. That's beacause we measure the impact based on generated leads. That means, we are measuring the impact based on a sales metric.

How can we do that?

This is possible, because we have a lead attribution tool, where our users associate their leads with their published posts to replicate the top sales perfomer posts.

In this article, we will cover:

1/ Best time to publish your LinkedIn posts

2/ Best content format to post on LinkedIn

3/ 5 Factors to consider when scheduling LinkedIn content

4/ 10 Tips to get better results in your LinkedIn posts

Best time to publish your LinkedIn posts

The key to understanding when it is best to publish is to understand the consumption habits of your audience.

As you know, the majority of those who consume content on LinkedIn are employees, freelancers, salespeople and recruiters.

Most work from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and rest on weekends.

Weekends are the worst days

Therefore, we understand that the worst times are from 10 at night to 6 in the morning because our audience is sleeping. On the other hand, weekends are ruled out since the majority does not work. This is easy to assume.

Our study is different, because we focus on sales (number of leads generated per post). Therefore, the results respond to the buyers' habits. Being that +80% of the profiles that buy through LinkedIn are founders, CEOs and c-levels.

Monday is a bad day to publish

Monday is not a good day to publish, since most of the day, this decision maker is answering emails, attending meetings and organizing the week.

Friday is neutral, you can publish if you want

On the other hand, Friday is a neutral day. This is because in the morning the executives are available and working, however, many of them finish their day earlier (normally at 3:00 p.m. instead of 6:00 p.m.) so they do not consume LinkedIn in the afternoon.

Best Days to publish on LinkedIn: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

This Forbes article, states that the least productive day of the week is monday. However, it also shows that the most productive days are Tuesday and Wednesday: Other days of the week bode better for productivity, with 35% of respondents in the B2B Reviews poll saying they’re most productive on Tuesdays and 29% saying Wednesdays are their best.

Basically, executives feel better and are more productive on these 3 days. This is why the do a lot of tasks, the try to read and enhance their business while consuming content on LinkedIn, and of course, they try to fix some issues their business have.

So, when they are focusing on they pains and needs, there are more chances that they end up reading a useful post that help them fix that issue, so finally, the start to think about buying that product/service the content creator offers.

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Best content format to post on LinkedIn

If you are wodering which type of content you should post, we have the solution.

The algorithm boosts some posts more than others. According to the study carried out by Richard van der Bloom, this would be the scope of each type of post:

PDFs —> From 2.2X to 3.4X

Surveys —> From a 2.1X to a 2.5X

Carrousel —> From 1.8X to 2.3X

Photos/Texts —> From a 1.2X to a 1.6X

Videos —> From 0.5X to 0.8X

Newsletters and articles have little reach, ranging between 0.1X and 0.9X.

So, if you publish a PDF/Carrousel from Tuesday to Thursday, you will obtain, statistically, the best results.

5 Factors to consider when scheduling LinkedIn content

The information we offer is general, so there are some exceptions that depend on multiple factors:

The industry of your audience

For example, if your audience is hotel and restaurant owners, there will be less activity during the week and more activity during the weekends since their executives work during those dates due to their demand.

This happens with some other industries such as logistics.

The seasonality of your audience

Depending on the country and industry, there may be some seasonality. For example, marketing companies do not work during the summer (July and August), however, they are very active during Black Friday, Christmas, etc.

On the other hand, if your audience is hotel owners, it is much more advisable that you publish a lot during the year, since in the summer it will be practically impossible because they will have so much work that they will barely enter LinkedIn.

Our recommendation is that you prepare a content calendar taking this factor into account along with those mentioned above.

Posting Frequency

The ideal is to publish about 20 posts per month, which would be equivalent to 5 posts per week. With this volume of content, after a few months, by using WaLead, you will be able to find out which schedule is best for you.

Also, keep in mind that you can create habits among your audience, since if they expect you to post every day at 8, then it will be even easier, also keep in mind that this does not happen until you have at least +6,000 followers.

Activate the creator mode

This is the most important and easiest thing. You must go to your profile and activate creator mode so that LinkedIn gives between 20 and 35% more reach to your publications.

And if that were not enough, by activating the creator mode, LinkedIn will give you access to make audio events, direct events and launch your own Newsletter.

Get 70 points on Social Selling Index (SSI)

The Social Selling Index (SSI) is a tool developed by LinkedIn that measures a user's effectiveness on the platform in terms of their ability to connect with other professionals, generate engagement, and build trusting relationships with their connections.

SSI is based on four main factors:

1. The authenticity of the profile

2. The expansion of the contact network

3. Interactivity with content

4.The ability to generate referrals.

Each of these factors is scored on a scale from 0 to 100, and the SSI is calculated as the sum of these scores.

If your SSI is greater than 70, you will get 25% more reach on your posts.

10 Tips to get better results in your LinkedIn posts

1. The first sentence is super important since it must hook the reader.

2. We would use the last phrase to make the reader interact with the post (CTA).

3. 1 like gives us 1X more reach

4. 1 share gives us 7X more reach

5. 1 comment gives us 12X more range

6. Do not tag people/companies that are not going to interact with your post.

7. Use between 3 and 5 hashtags

8. Do not use more than 10 emojis in a single post.

9. The best posts are those that have between 1200 and 1400 words.

10. Leave 18 hours between each post to maximize your results.

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