Schedule LinkedIn posts & grow your brand

Simplify your content strategy and boost your impact on LinkedIn

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Get back to business with the LinkedIn post scheduler

Create, edit, save and share content on LinkedIn

Save time

Schedule your post, and it will be automatically published on LinkedIn.

Preview posts

Preview before scheduling and see how your post would look on LinkedIn

Schedule comments

Forget about logging into LinkedIn to write the first comment on your post


Learn about the functionality of WaLead's LinkedIn scheduling


Write your post

Write the post you want to schedule on LinkedIn. You can use italics, bold, emojis, hashtags... and remember not to exceed 3,000 characters.


Explore additional features

You can add an image (or multiple images) to the post, schedule a comment, save the post as a draft, add a link, and even publish the LinkedIn post instantly.


Choose the date and time to publish

Select the date and time you want to publish your post on LinkedIn. By scheduling on LinkedIn, you will generate outbound leads and enhance your personal and business brand.


Perfect, your post will be published!

"Simply click on the 'Schedule' button, and all your scheduled LinkedIn posts will appear on the WaLead calendar. You'll be able to view all the scheduled posts for the day, week, and month."


WaLead is your CRM, easy and intuitive

Meet your company's sales needs and save dozens of hours of work

Schedule posts

Optimize your presence on LinkedIn and attract leads

1. Easily create content from the CRM

2. Enhance your visibility by planning posts

3. Boost your sales through inbound strategies

Advanced yet simple features

1. Preview how your post will look

2. Schedule LinkedIn comments in advance

3. Save the post as a draft for editing later

LinkedIn vs WaLead

Join now and enjoy exclusive features such as draft mode, comment programming and more...

clone project

Track and quantify leads coming from your post

1. Drag the lead onto the 'Add to Post' button

2. Refine and adjust your content based on lead responses

3. Check the number on your post, indicating how many leads come from the there

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If a post is set as a draft, will it be published when the scheduled time arrives?

No, a post set as a draft will not be published. By clicking on the post, you can edit it and publish it immediately or schedule it for another time.

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Can I schedule the same post to be shared across multiple LinkedIn accounts simultaneously?

Yes, you can schedule a post for multiple LinkedIn accounts simultaneously, as long as they are colleagues within the same company. When creating the post, select the LinkedIn accounts you want to schedule the post for, and the rest is the same.

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Can I schedule two posts on my LinkedIn account for the same day at the same time?

No, it is not possible to schedule two posts at the same time. We recommend leaving an interval of hours between scheduled posts.

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How does scheduling posts in WaLead affect the visibility of my LinkedIn posts?

Scheduling posts in WaLead does not inherently affect visibility. However, by posting at strategic times, you can increase visibility and engagement. We recommend researching the most optimal posting hours on LinkedIn for better results.

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